This is a special limited edition sale of Hummer Vistas. Garmin made these Vistas for Hummer and we have purchased the excess inventory. If you ever wanted a Hummer or know someone that does, now is the chance to get one. Everyone wants a Hummer.
Yes, it is a eTrex Vista with the official Hummer logo on it.
The limited addition eTrex Hummer Vista combines a basemap of North and South America, with a barometric altimeter and electronic compass. The compass provides bearing information while you're standing still and the altimeter determines your precise altitude. The Vista is also designed to provide precise GPS positioning using correction data obtained from the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). This product will provide position accuracy to less than three meters when receiving WAAS corrections.
The Hummer also boasts an internal memory capacity of 24 megabytes, which allows it to accept downloaded mapping data from GARMIN's MapSource® CD-ROMs, including Fishing Hot Spots®. A silver case gives this unit a high-tech look. New to the product design, GARMIN will include marine aids to navigation in addition to the basemap. These navigational aids will be pre-loaded into each unit from the factory.